Photo taken by: Porter, Kristin M LTC USARMY 807 MED DSC (USA)
IRT CNMI Wellness Mission is a joint-service medical mission primarily comprised of approximately 130 service members from the U.S. Army Reserve. It is augmented by the Air National Guard, U.S. Navy, and the U.S. Air Force. Service members who are credentialed healthcare providers will provide vision screenings, health exams, dental, public health education, and veterinary services. IRT CNMI Wellness Mission provides military medical members training opportunities while providing direct and lasting benefits to the residents of Saipan.
Clinics will run from 12-20 July on Saipan and 12-19 July on Rota and Tinian. Services will be provided at NO COST to the community. No insurance is necessary.
The Office of the Governor will have a webpage in the near future designated to answer the community’s questions, including service dates, times, and locations, and services that will and will not be provided.
Additional information on the IRT program can be found at